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Presentaciones en Conferencias & Workshops

  • “Perceptions, practices, and incentives on the prescription of generics and biosimilars”. Workshop   “Rethinking Pharmaceutical Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean” hosted by the World Bank. Washington DC, Feb 2023.

  • “In defense of the concept of moral status”. 23rd Annual Conference, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, EEUU, Oct 2021 (via Zoom due to the pandemic)

  • “Antropocentrismo y moral de sentido común”. Presentation at Ciclo de Charlas del Doctorado en Filosofía, Religión y Pensamiento Contemporáneo, Universidad Católica del Maule, Ago 2021.

  • “Athropocentrism, Common Morality, and the Moral Status debate”. Presentation (Key Note Speaker) at the 1st South American Colloquium on Naturalism and Experimental Philosophy, Caxias do Sul, Brasil, Jul 2021.

  • “Prohibición de la investigación biomédica con grandes simios: estado del debate y más allá”. Presentation at International Colloquium on Environmental Philosophy "Relaciones pacíficas con la naturaleza", Facultad e Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, Abr 2021.

  • “Pain, Suffering and Moral Status”. Presentation at the panel “The moral demands of Pain”, 22nd Annual Conference, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, EEUU, Oct 2019 (via Zoom due to the pandemic)

  • “Methods and Results of the Review”, Presentation at the panel “A Review of Reasons for and against Restricting Invasive Research on Great Apes: Implications for Research, Theory, and Policy", 22nd Annual Conference, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, EEUU, Oct 2019 (via Zoom due to the pandemic)

  • “Regulating international clinical research: An ethical framework”, World Congress of Bioethics, Philadelphia, EEUU, junio 19-21

  • “Do doctors have a duty to work for the most needed or vulnerable?” (Poster presentation) World Congress of Bioethics, Philadelphia, EEUU, junio 19-21

  • “Unintended consequences of clinical research regulation: the case of Chile”, 21st Annual Conference, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Pittsburg, EEUU, Oct 2019

  • “Pre-reflective consciousness and moral status”, 21st Annual Conference, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Pittsburg, EEUU, Oct 2019

  • “Sensation, valence and moral status”. Departmental Colloquia (Brown Bag Lectures), Department of Philosophy, George Washington University, EEUU, febrero 2019

  • “¿Demasiada medicina? Sobrediagnóstico y sobretratamiento”, Diálogos bioéticos, Facultad de Medicina Clínical Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile, abril 2018

  • “Los deberes del médico con la sociedad”, Workshop sobre Ética de la Salud, Universidad de Santiago, Chile, noviembre 2017

  •  “Placebo y nocebo en perspectiva bioética”, Diálogos bioéticos, Facultad de Medicina Clínical Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile, noviembre 2017

  •  “Naturalización del concepto ético de persona”, Seminario del Depto. de Bioética y Humanidades Médicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, octubre 2017

  • “Ethics of full disclosure in the presence of presumable nocebo effects”, EACME Annual Conference, España, septiembre 2017

  • “What the computational theory of mind can reveal us about the moral status of non-human animals”, The Conversation (Weekly Seminar), Sydney Health Ethics, The University of    Sydney, Australia, julio 2017

  • “Naturalización del estatus moral y concepto de persona”, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Seminario de investigación del Depto. de Filosofía, Mexico, febrero 2017

  • “Medicina preventiva y los riesgos de sobrediagnóstico y sobretratamiento”, Simposio sobre Ética de la Salud, Universidad de Santiago, Chile, noviembre 2016

  • “Minimal minds, personhood, and moral status”, IDEA-CETL Research Seminar, University of Leeds,    Inglaterra, febrero 2016

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